Boundaries for Leaders by Dr. Henry Cloud is an excellent book with a very apt title. Dr. Cloud explores the challenge of why some people get results and others don't. He spends the first part of the book exploring the brain science behind success and then explains a program to help steer companies in the right direction of developing a culture that is conducive to growth and productivity. It is a very well laid out book with a lot of very practical explanations to help leaders in a variety of situations to get the most out of themselves, out of their employees and all the other individuals they work with.
I can see how this book would be incredibly helpful for someone in the corporate world or as a leader in a church environment. As a stay at home mom with an interest in leadership development, at times it felt quite over my head, but I did enjoy the read and found many relevant tidbits of information that could be applied to the different situations and interactions I find myself having with others.
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