One Lost Sheep by Rhonda Gowler Greene is a beautifully illustrated children's book based on Jesus' parable in Luke 15:3-4. "Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?" The writing in the book flows effortlessly, and the pictures are stunning, yet incredibly inviting to little ones as Rhonda Gowler Greene sends the Shepherd all over the hillside, looking for his one lost wayward lamb.
My children absolutely love this book. My two year old is particularly taken with it due to the fantastic sing-song nature of the writing, as well as the bright, vibrant and inviting illustrations that accompany each page. As a parent, it is wonderful to be able to find stories that teach Biblical truths in ways that are easy to share and explain to my children. My favourite page comes at the end of the book where Rhonda Gowler Greene writes "Like that shepherd, God above, keeps us in his boundless love. The Lord God is our shepherd too, watching over… me and you." Due to the themes of the book, this is certainly a piece of literature that can be enjoyed by children of all ages.
I am a member of Book Look Bloggers and have received this book free in exchange for an honest review.