Monday, October 24, 2011

Three Cups - Mark St. Germain

Three Cups by Mark St. Germain is a very simple story with some very simple principles for money management that can and should be passed on to our children. It is a story of a young boy who receives 3 cups for his birthday and his parents teach him how to save, spend and give from his weekly allowance. It shows how over the course of the little boys life how using his three cups enabled him to get a firm grasp on his finances from a very young age. The book also comes with a parents guide with suggestions for how to get started.

Today financial management is something that seems to be lacking significantly from our younger generations. In times where is it more difficult to practice delayed gratification, this book brings it back to a very simple process, teaching don't spend more than you make, the importance of saving as well as the value in giving to others. We will be reading this book with our young children often. I was expecting a book more geared towards how to teach finances to your children instead of a children's book about finances, but it will still be a vaulable addition to our library.

I am a member of by Thomas Nelson Publishers. In exchange for writing a review, I received this book for free.